Thursday, September 13, 2012

Do Teenagers still read books?

And by asking this, I do not mean reading textbooks or prescribed literature for school or reading while studying for a test or exam (which is also good and necessary!), but just plain reading for enjoyment and leisure. At a function I attended a couple of months ago, some alarming facts were mentioned: - Public and school libraries are disappearing (whe last did you visit your local library?!) - The number of under 5year olds visiting a bookstore fell with 25% in the last 5 years - There was a 60% drop in 9year olds visiting a bookstore - And 40% less under 16's made their way into a bookshop On avarage 7% less time is spent 'browsing' for books in a store. Now I would like to know from the teenagers - How often do teenagers read books nowadays? - Do teenagers prefer real books or ebooks? - What kind of books appeal to teenagers? Give us the names of the books you enjoyed (English & Afrikaans) - Do you prefer fiction or non-fiction books?

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